Thursday, September 25, 2008

Wednesday's training went like this:

Squat Jumps - 10
High Pulls - 12 L, R w/16 kg
3 times w/ 30 secs rest between

Push Press - 6 L, R w/16 kg
Tricep Dips - 10
3 times w/ 30 secs rest between

Step Up onto 18 in. bench - 5 L, R w/ double 12 kgs
Squats - 8 w/ 16 kg
3 times w/ 30 secs rest between

Rows - 8 L, R w/ 16 kg
Pushups - 6 military

All in all, I felt good during the session. However, my left knee gave out during push presses. This morning it feels "tweaked" for the fourth day. I did squats fine, but the steps ups were shaky at best on the left side. I must have twisted that knee or something.


On Tuesday I gave two sessions introducing kettlebells to my colleagues at the college. About 35 employees came over their lunch hour to learn about the benefits of kettlebell training. Then I gave them all a little preparation work - face the wall squats, hinging, sumo deadlifts. Then they got to do some swings. It was so much fun watching these folks -from 25 to 55 - pick up a kettlebell and have a taste of my passion. I was proud that they tried it out with such enthusiasm. Kb training may not be for all of them, but they gave it a try. Many are interested in attending classes. Our college is building a new wellness facility, so that will work out perfectly to offer classes on campus. I will be working to make that happen.

I'm off to work now. I get a massage this afternoon! Then I have play practice tonight. Run, Run, Run!! Gotta keep busy!

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