It's always exciting to start a new cycle of training. I can't wait to be finished teaching my classes so I can get to gym and try out my new training. The anticipation about kills me. I want to find out how challenging it is and how my body will react. I just get giddy!
So, here's what I got to try out today:
Double Clean to Squat to Push Press - 12 kgs (26 lbs. each)
-3 reps/ minute for 15 minutes.
-The squat portion was a challenge. The cleans are easy, shmeazy. The presses are as well. I have a definite sticky point in the squat. It's my big toes. I keep working on them.
RPE - 7
Snatches - 12 kg - 8 x 10 L, R
-30 seconds rest between sets of 10 L, 10 R
-This took me a little less than 8 minutes to complete. In retrospect, I should have just done two more rounds for an even 10 minutes and 200 reps.
RPE - 6
It was actually a fun training session. I'm pleased with my output.
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