Wednesday, February 10, 2010

22,500+ lbs. in 28 Minutes

Over 11 TONS in 28 minutes of work. Holy Kettlebell, Batman!

I tested. I worked. I conquered.

Deadlifts - double 24 kg (106 lbs) - 10 minutes
93 reps = 9858 lbs.

Double Press - 12 kg (52 lbs.) - 8 minutes
41 reps = 2132 lbs.

Swings - 28 kg (62 lbs.) - 10 minutes
170 reps = 10,540 lbs.


All I left was piles of kettlebell shards. I tore em up! This was accomplished in less than 30 minutes of work time.

I tested presses, squats, deadlift, snatches, and pullups. The deads and presses tested the best today. After those I wanted to burn more calories, so I tested crab walks, inchworms, and swings. Swings rocked my biofeedback world. I set the Gymboss for 10 minutes and started swinging. For my first set, I did 20 reps. Then I did 15 rep sets, one 10 rep set, and finished with a 20 rep set. That last set was my best one.

I can't tell you how amazing I feel right now.

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