Friday, September 12, 2008

60 - 7 - 1

It had been a long, long time since I did a V02 Max session, probably four months. So, today was the day. I threw my training schedule out the window (figuratively) and set out with my 12 kg bell and the Gymboss.

15:15 protocol
7 reps w/26 lb. KB

My initial goal was 50 sets (25 minutes). When I hit 50, I felt pretty good, so I decided to keep going to 60. I'm glad I did. It felt fantastic and I was really sweating. Love that!!!

I didn't know if Gymboss was going to make it, though. He needs new batteries. I've had him over a year and haven't had to replace the batteries. I'd say he did pretty good. He made it to 60, but barely. I stopped for his sake, of course. ;-) lol

My baby girl turns 7 tomorrow. Seriously, where does the time go? It's crazy.

I must congratulate Brad Nelson and his new bride Jordan on one week of wedded bliss. They were married last week and should be getting home from Hawaii. I wish you two a lifetime of joy as you discover all that life has to offer you together.

1 comment:

Steve Stenzel said...

Nice job hitting 60! And Happy Birthday to the little one!!

Since you emailed me about Kettlebell training a few months back, my sister-in-law (who lives with us) has tried it out. She loves the workout! This winter, I want to take a few classes with Brad, and then maybe get a few of my own Kettlebell for my own workouts.

Oh, and I'm sorry for your loss. (being so far away from away from Snuffys, that is....)
