Saturday, January 9, 2010

Hip Journey

I'm still on my journey to healing my hips so I can get stronger. This morning I had a daunting task ahead of me - 25 rounds of double kb clean, squat, push press. Monday I did 20 rounds. How was I going to do this?

Step one: Zscription
Step two: Quiet my negative thoughts and think positively
Step three: Biofeedback baseline ROM
Step four: Plan Z drills for the journey
Step five: Commence

For me, it's a lot about the brain. Having the mental preparation was key today.

Dbl KB Clean, Squat, Push Press - 12 kg bells
2 reps/minute for 25 rounds
RPE - 8
-There were tough rounds in there, but I did not give up. I stuck to my plan. In fact, the reps at the end felt better than the first ones.

Snatches - 16 kg - 10 x 7 L, R
30 seconds rest between sets
RPE - 6
-This took me a hair over 10 minutes. I suppose I need to speed up a bit so that I am below 10 minutes for 140 snatches. I'm not going to stress though. I need to ensure my reps are perfect and that I'm engaging my hips appropriately.

Time for some protein and a shower. It's -25 degrees this morning. I think I'll stay inside until it gets closer to 0!

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