My heavy artillery (meaning my 24 and 28 kg bells) are locked up at the gym in Sheldon where I work. However, I am not driving 20 miles to train when the roads are ice covered. Soooooooo
I made do! And, if I may say so myself, I made do quite well.
Circuit - 6 Rounds
A-Stiff Leg Deadlifts - two 12 kgs - 10 reps
B -Jerks - two 12 kgs - 10 reps
20 seconds rest between drills
RPE - 6
- I was supposed to use a 28 kg for the deadlifts and do fewer reps. The two 12 kg bells felt good for more reps.
Circuit - 5 Rounds
A-Mountain Climbers - 60 reps
B-Burpees - 15 reps
C-Swings - two 12 kgs - 15 reps
No rest between drills, 20 seconds between rounds
RPE - 8
-Doing the drills back to back cranked up the RPE. Love it!
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