Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Variations on a Theme

Coleslaw - or as Tracy calls it "Cabbage Salad"

This week's batch of coleslaw is a bit different. I used broccoli, carrots, cabbage, green onion, and for a twist, Chinese pea pods and fresh pineapple. For dressing, I used about 1/2 cup of organic poppyseed dressing, soy sauce, sesame oil, and the pineapple juice. That's not much dressing for a ginormous bowl of slaw. All I need is some chicken to mix in and Voila! Yummy lunch for the entire week.

This morning I did my 18 minutes of Clean & Press EDT w/ the 12 kg. I did 100 reps on each arm. That's the same as last week. I think I've maxed out on the C & P. Onto the next EDT drill! I still need to do 18 minute EDT of double swings with double squats (2 12 kg bells). That will be loads of fun!!

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