Wednesday brought another great training session. Unfortunately, I'm not getting enough sleep this week, and I am feeling it. I WILL be in bed by 9:00 tonight!!!
Arm Bar to TGU
20 kg - 3 x 1 L, R
-This week I didn't even put on the iPod!
-Actually, the 20 kg (44 lb.) arm bars and TGUs were a fun challenge.
PRE - 8
Arm Bar to TGU
16 kg - 3 x 2 L, R
-The 16 kg (35 lb) felt light after using the 20 kg.
- By the end of the second rep, however, my grip and wrists were toast.
-I tweaked my left shoulder ever so slightly.
PRE - 7
Snatches - MVO2
15:15, 7 rep cadence, 20 minutes
-I was supposed to do 16 kg snatches for 15 minutes, but decided to do the VO2 since I tweaked my shoulder. Good choice. Good burn.
-HR at finish of 20 min. - 144 bpm
-HR after 1 min. - 128 bpm
-HR after 3 min. - 98 bpm
Tonight I will rest my shoulder and not use it during my kb class or else I'll demo with a light bell. It's windmill night!!
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