Tuesday, March 22, 2011

3 of 2 on 3-22

I did three rounds of two circuits today for a quick training session.

Circuit #1 - 3 Rounds - 9 min.
1. KB Press - 12 kg
Left - 21 reps, Right - 24 reps

2. Windmill - 16 kg
Left 21 reps, Right - 21 reps

Circuit #2 - 3 Rounds - 16 min. 30 secs
1. Swings - 150 lbs.
120 reps

2. Reverse Lunge to High Kick
Left - 30 reps, Right - 30 reps

3. 1/2 Pistol to Pike Press
Left - 15 reps, Right - 15 reps

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