Thursday, October 2, 2008


Wednesday training rejuvinated me. I felt strong and exhilarated after I completed the tough training program.

3 Rounds of each "couplet"
Step-ups onto 18 inch bench w/2 12 kg bells - 8 L, R
Squats - 2 12 kg bells - 6

Rows - 16 kg - 10 L, R
Pushups - 10

Bench jumps - 12
High Pulls - 16 kg - 10 L,R

Push Press - 16 kg - 7 L, R
Tricep Dips - 10

I'm looking forward Friday's training. Today I'm off. Good thing - I'm a little sore! That's how I know I didn't wuss out. HA! ;-)


Sandy Sommer, RKC said...

looks good. I go to RKC next week and believe myself to be ready. I found your blog last week and have enjoyed it:)

Amy Jurrens said...

Thanks for stopping by Sandy! You'll have a blast at the RKC. It's intense and fun all at the same time. I wish I could run up to the Twin Cities to spectate!

I'll check out your blog so I know when you become an RKC. Have fun!