Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Let's Get to Gettin

Today, cleans, waiter presses, and swings tested very good. I set my timer and got to gettin.

Dbl KB Cleans - 16 kgs (70 lbs.)
75 reps = 5250 lbs.

Waiter Plate Press - 25 lbs.
Left - 38 reps: Right - 48 reps = 2150 lbs.
- I took a scissors stance and twisted my torso toward the side I was pressing. That eliminated the twinge I've been experiencing in my back while pressing.
Volume PR

Dbl KB Swings - 20 kgs (88 lbs.)
125 reps = 11,000 lbs.

I've had a tweeky back the past week, so I stopped when the tweek started. That was at 24 minutes 26 seconds. Bummer. This could have been a huge volume day. It was 18,400 lbs.

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