Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Beep! Beep!

I felt like the Road Runner today. I had to take a quick trip to the gym tonight since I had a limited amount of time. (I didn't get to train yesterday. Stupid snow!) My trip might have been quick, but I posted several PRs. What's better than that?

Waiter Plate Press - 25 lbs. - 8 min.
Left - 33, Right 40 = 1825 lbs.
Density PR (228.125 lbs./min.)

Two-Drill Circuit - 12 min.
1. Sumo DL - 48 kg (106 lbs.)
60 reps = 6360 lbs.

2. Dbl KB Swings - 40 kgs (88 lbs.)
150 reps = 13,200 lbs.

Density PR - 19,560 lbs. (1630/min.)

I wish I would have had more time. :( I don't seem to have enough of that lately. I'll just have to train more days this week. Beep! Beep!

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