On my RPE scale, all of my drills today rated an 8. RPE = rate of perceived exertion. A 1 means the drill is easy shmeezy. A 10 means you need oxygen or CPR. :P
I like 8s. That means I was really challenged and that I really pushed myself. Here's what I did:
Snatch, lower to rack, Jerk - 20 kg (44 lb) - 4 x 4 L, R
-My back was a little tweeky to start. By the second set, it was behaving very well.
Reverse Rows & Hindu Pushups - 5 x 10 each
-The Hindu pushups felt great on my back since you end in a cobra pose.
One Hand Swings - 24 kg (53 lb) - 12 L, 12 R per minute for 10 minutes
-It was very humid today so my hands were sweating like crazy. The first four rounds went pretty well. I did the 12 on each hand. After that, my single hand grip couldn't hold after 8-10 reps, so I'd finish out the 12 with two hands. That means I still did 24 swings per minute, but 4-8 of them were two-handed.
-It took me about 30 seconds to do the 24 reps, so I'd get 30 seconds of rest.
After that, I had my class of fabulous victims. They learned the Turkish Get-Up tonight and did great. I was so proud of them! We have been doing 10 minute swing workouts for the past two weeks, but tonight I upped it to 12 minutes and they all cranked it out. Most of them used heavier kbs than last week, too. I'm also seeing some serious hip snap. I like it! They are all rock stars!!
Your math on the 24 swings per minute is accurate. Your rep per minute are incredible. Good work!
Do you know any short hand? Since I've been changing hands and reps per hand with every set, I'm thinking about calling mine "?kg Swings Anyhow" rather than writing:
Two-handed swings on the minute x 20
One rep alternating hand swings on the minute x 20
Two rep alternating hand swings on the minute x 10
Five rep alternating hand swings on the minute x 4
Ten rep alternating hand swings on the minute x 2
Five rep alternating hand swings on the minute x 4
Two rep alternating hand swings on the minute x 10
One rep alternating hand swings on the minute x 20
Twenty rep two hand swings on the minute x 20, etc...
When you figure it out, let me know! :)
I guess I'll just stick to the time saving "swings on the minute". It is less confusing to me!
Oh yeah, Nice progress on your victims. Rock stars MUST have a good hip snap.
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