Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Back from Oz

Update from my training session with Brad Nelson:

My feet and gait are much improved. Thumbs up. (Vibram Five Fingers are a huge part of this improvement.)
My delt knot is not. Thumbs down.
I am cranking out the jerks. Thumbs up.
I was unable to perform a viking push press with two 12 kg bells. Thumbs down.
I didn't find any shoes for work. Thumbs down.
I did pick up some new t-shirts that I will post pictures of. Thumbs up.
I did get to experience a group beat down at Kinetic Edge. Thumbs up.
I had to drive for 4 hours after enjoying the pain. Thumbs down.

I had a huge "DUH!" moment today when Brad asked me if I've ever injured my back where my knot is. I can't believe it never dawned on me before. I was crushed in a mosh pit at a KISS concert about 20 years ago. (Yes, I was a headbanger!) That injury has always seemed like a sternum injury, but actually, when a person gets squeezed, the ribs move and cause injury to the front and back. DUH! Now that I know what is the root of the issue, I can address it more successfully.

I will have all new Z drills and training/rehab drills starting next week. Stay tuned!

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