Monday, February 25, 2008


That describes my lungs after 128 snatches with the 36 lb. kettlebell in 8 minutes. Thank you Yoda! (a.k.a. Brad Nelson)

After that tasty appetizer I got to do the following for my main course:

3 Rounds
TGUs - 4 L, 4 R w/ 26 lb. KB
Squats - 4 L, 4 R w/ 36 lb. KB
Clean & Press - 7 L, 7 R w/26 lb. KB

The sweet dessert was the fact that I completed all the reps of the C & P. Major accomplishment for me considering just one short week ago I could not do the 7 reps with my left arm.

Make sure you check out all of the video links I have posted on the right side of this blog. They are so fun to watch and so motivational. I absolutely love the one of the 9 year old boy practicing with kettlebells. His dad (Chris Wells) is an RKC and an Olympic lifter who is working with his sons. There are other videos on Chris' website (AngryGoat Athletics) of the boys lifting for practice and in competition. Great stuff!!!

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